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COVID-19 and March -- In Like a Lion

Writer's picture: Family WaysFamily Ways

Well, March has certainly been an exciting month already... and we're not even two weeks in!

For those who have been following the unfolding plumbing saga of our Family Ways office, I am delighted to announce that we are almost back in working order! We hope to be fully operable by next Monday... just in time to limit our office use as part of our ongoing effort to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The CDC has issued Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Pregnancy. At this time, we do not believe that our doulas or our clients are at significant risk of this virus, but we are taking all possible precautions to keep our clients (and ourselves) safe.

Per CDC guidelines:

  • Our doulas wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing noses, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.

  • We avoid touching our eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • We stay home when we are sick, and will find other coverage for your care as needed.

  • We cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • All team members are taking the CDC’s NPI 101 Web-based training.

In addition to these universal precautions, we are also making the following adjustments to our normal care and support:

  • We are waiving the 24-hour cancellation policy for postpartum and lactation visits.

  • We are extending the option for any prenatal/postpartum visits to be held virtually, via Zoom or another platform. If you are interested in this option, please contact your doula directly or email

  • Our bi-weekly Breastfeeding Support Drop-In will be meeting virtually for the time being. Zoom meeting registration details are available here.

  • The Evidence Based Birth® Academy has created an option for teaching the hybrid in-person/online Childbirth Class 100% online. We will be switching to this model for our April EBB Childbirth Class series.

We are also requiring the following of our clients:

  • Because we will be washing our hands more often during any in-home visits with clients, please have liquid soap and paper towels available in your kitchen and/or bathroom.

  • If you or anyone in your home has symptoms of illness, please disclose them to us at your earliest convenience so we can create a plan to keep us all safe and illness-free.

  • If you or anyone in your home is sick with the flu, fever, vomiting, coughing, or any respiratory issues when we arrive at your home, the visit will be canceled and you will be charged a $75 fee.

We understand that some local area hospitals are beginning to place restrictions on "visitor" attendance at labors. While these restrictions have not yet prevented doulas from attending births, this situation continues to evolve. We are monitoring messages from hospitals but encourage our clients to call their intended birthplace when in labor to ensure that a) the hospital is not on diversion, and b) doulas are able to attend the labor. In the event your birthplace is not admitting doulas, we will still be able to provide virtual support... so bring your laptop or tablet!

Long story short: It's entirely possible that we are taking too many precautions, and we'll feel silly when this virus doesn't spread as widely as anticipated. But I would rather feel silly for taking too many precautions than too few. Let's stay safe!

As always, please feel free to email us at with any questions or concerns.


All material on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

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